WILLER EXPRESS「2014安全運行プラン」を発表 Announces WILLER EXPRESS the “2014 Plan safe operation”

今年7月31日より、高速路線バスに移行した「WILLER EXPRESS」ですが、
この発表会で12月20日より、東京から仙台・新潟間を結ぶ、新シート「RELAX(リラックス) NEW」の発表が行なわれました。
このシートは、2012年7月より一部改定の上施行された道路運送車両法の保安基準(ECE ハーモナイズ)をクリアしたシートで、コンセプトは、Safety & Comfort となっています。

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また、乗務員のサポート体制のひとつとして、24 時間体制で全グループバス会社の運行を管理する「運行管理センター」を2014年6月に設置する予定しています。
運行管理センターは全車両に設置しているドライブレコーダーより走行状況を 24 時間巡視できます。万が一、急ブレーキや蛇行運転などの「不安全運転」が行われた場合は、運行管理センターでアラートを受信し、乗務員への運行状況の確認と営業所の運行管理者へ連絡をします。センターでは、映像で運行中のバス車内の様子が確認出来る様になるそうです。

出発当日の緊急連絡先として、24 時間対応の「安心ダイヤル」と「メールセンター」を設置し、乗車前・乗車中のお客様をサポートします。例えば、乗車中の体調不良や車内トラブルなどの問い合わせを電話またはメールで受け付け、対応します。

新シート「RELAX(リラックス) NEW」は、以下の路線で運行を開始します。
① 2013 年 12 月 20 日運行開始:関東⇔新潟 3,800 円~/関東⇔仙台 3,800 円~
② 2014 年 3 月 1 日運行開始:関東⇔関西 5,300 円~/関東⇔名古屋 3,600 円~

From July 31 this year , and the transition to the high-speed bus While it is ” WILLER EXPRESS ” ,
On December 18 , was held a presentation ” 2014 safe driving plan ” .
From December 20 , connecting Sendai and Niigata from Tokyo between , announced ” RELAX ( relax ) NEW ” of took place in this new sheet presentation .
This Seats, which cleared safety standards for road transport Vehicles Act , which came into force on a portion revised from July 2012 the (ECE harmonize ) , concept , has become the Safety & Comfort.
It is devised such as the rounded shape of the corner R5mm or more and the introduction of buffer material in order to reduce the impact of sheet collision , the accessories such as seat back .
In addition, it has improved the safety of the vehicle by the equipment of alarm and wander vehicle collision mitigation brake .
In addition , based on the voice from the user , comfort has been improved to relax sheet conventional improved .
Change diaphragm ( spring) from fixed seat bottom plate portion getting the ass , improve the feeling with the bottom , further , by splitting the cushion in the ass , a waist, back , to the optimum thickness , respectively , the body support of that support is Yes improved .
Further , the relaxation of the conventional and drink holder , it is not equipped only on a part
Power outlet is now equipped with all seats .
This is the reason why the popularity of the relaxed ” canopy ” , height by the basis of the voice ” head hits back is high ” and or ” does not reach the back is low ” , put the depth to canopy , to expand the space higher even lower even it’s improved so that it can be used comfortably .

◆ installation of traffic control center
In addition , it is planned as one of the support system for crew , set up in June 2014 to manage the operation of all group bus company in the 24 -hour-a-day ” service management center ” .
Operation Management Center can patrol 24 hours a day driving situations than drive recorder that is installed in all vehicles . If you like meandering drive by any chance , or sudden braking ” unsafe operation” was carried out , to receive alerts on traffic control center , you can contact to service administrator of the office and check the operation status of the crew . In the center , state of the bus service of the car in the video that he’ll be able to as confirmation .

◆ Building a customer support system
As an emergency contact for the day of departure , we have established a 24-hour a ” peace of mind dial ” and ” mail center ” , and supports customers before riding , riding . For example, if accepted by telephone or e-mail queries , such as car trouble or poor physical condition of riding , I cope .

” RELAX ( relax ) NEW ” will start the service on route from following new sheet .
– Transit line / fare
Kanto ⇔ Niigata 3,800 yen ~ / Kanto ⇔ Sendai 3,800 yen – 20: Start of operation December 2013 ①
The announcement ⇔ Kansai Kanto 5,300 yen ~ / Kanto ⇔ Nagoya 3,600 yen ~ WILLER EXPRESS the ” 2014 safe operation plan ” : March 1, 2014 Start of operation ②